Hidden Benefit of a non-conducive Work Environment

Sometimes, we land up in a space that enhances the quality of our work.

What kind of a space do we think that is?


Or non-conducive?

Sure, a conducive environment should lead to high quality work.

Hold that thought.

When the human being stops struggling, he or she has been known to get lazy.

In that frame of body and mind, quality walks out the door. 

The highest quality work seems to be happening in environments that make the person concerned struggle.

When one struggles, all pistons fire.

At any cost, one needs to stay afloat, and kick. 

And kick one does. 

One kicks one’s demons out.

Once they’re gone, achieved momentum boosts performance, and quality shines.

Cut to thought on hold.

What’s our take now?

Are we ok if the people around us are nags, and make it very difficult for us to work…

…or if there’s some other unbearable thing about our place of work?

Yes we are.


…we love quality.

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