
Nobody likes constriction.

It …

… limits, …

… suffocates …

… and tries to lower one’s self-esteem.

Have been constricted.

Circumstances all around border on criminal society, fascism and unnecessary limits applied to everyday life, even home life.

There’ve been two ways to go.

One is to crumble.

The other is to find pathways.

In alleys.







Covert efficiency.

Knowledge acquisition


When nothing works for one on the outside, we go into achievement mode on the inside.

I speak for those who decide not to crumble.

Times will change.

They always have.

It’s dictators that have crumbled.

They’ve not been able to conquer time.

We keep ourselves functional till our time comes.

When it does …

… and it will, …

… our added soft assets will shine forth …

… not only with a vengeance, …

… but will be impossible to ignore.

Achievement is just an add-on.

Survival is a far more precious memory.

Banana Trajectory

Growth …

… is a non-linear entity.

Especially …

… high growth.

Amongst many things, …

… one point needs …

… pointing out.

Between periods of high growth…

… anything can happen.

The levels of what can happen are, amongst other correlations, directly proportionate to the number of similarities between an economy in question and the functioning of a proper banana republic.

Freedom of speech can be suppressed.

Parallel economies can thrive.

Extortion and blackmail can rule.




People buyouts.



And then there’s high growth again, perhaps soon, if the economy gets its act together despite its rulers, and perhaps accelerated, if the rulers come to their senses and return back to being peace, growth and democracy loving .

Without getting into too much nitty-gritty about what kind of a republic we live in, for lack of a better phrase, and with a very small use of one’s imagination, one could venture to suggest that our own path of growth could resemble that of a banana trajectory.

The banana in this title doesn’t have much to do with the curvature of the fruit.

Much rather, it’s about the economy to banana republic correlation.

Might I suggest that our economy’s banana behaviour is mostly mild. Then, rarely, it gets intense. Normal growth returns. Then comes high growth. Periods of very high growth are rare, but there too.

Overall I’m happy with my and in my republic.

Sometimes, its banana behaviour beats me up.

Yeah, every ten years or so, there’s a big hit.

No one likes getting hurt.

I do remember to stand up and continue fighting, …

… because it is in this very republic, that I can make my 15% p.a.c.

On the conservative side, that is. Perhaps I can make more.

I don’t get that in any other economy.

You see, occasional banana behaviour is good news for a long term contrarian.

Banananomics lead to blunders, and temporary downfalls, with all indices falling big.

Which is where we have the guts to buy, and big.


We know we are on a high growth trajectory with intermittent banana behaviour.

A very simple formula suggests itself.

Buy big during reactions to banana behaviour.

Take principle out after spurts of high growth.

Sit tight on underlying in profit, perhaps for life.

A high growth trajectory with intermittent banana behaviour will give you many such cycles in your lifetime.

One stands to make multiple times the ten yearly hits.

Upon recognising this recurring pattern, one can even fine-tune and enhance loss-attenuation.




… how’ve you been?

Just hit my normal, so, am feeling good about it.

LifeVector took a multi-SD shock some months back, and everything that makes my normal went out of whack.

Life today is about finding one’s normal amidst constant and new shocks.

Didn’t know I had it in me, to take a multi.

Found out while it happened and in the aftermath.

It’s good news for one’s environment, since everyone remains protected, if one is confident about navigating through multis.

So, what makes up my normal?

Firstly, I don’t fit.

So I construct my own fit.

Takes two and a half decades.

My fit has many-dimensional functionality, tailor made, to extract fullness from life.

In no defining order, there are some income-creating avenues.

Wealth-creating ones.













Am not necessarily passing every avenue. There’s failure too.

I do know one big thing, though, from the recent shock.

It’s an invaluable lesson.

Don’t mind sharing it with you.

Am unhappy when away from my normal.

Further away, more the unhappiness.

Happiest when normal is hit.

Happiness-peak continues as normal remains intact.


Isn’t that a big learning?

Hope it helps you too!




Own it?


If so, you can avail an overdraft on your fixed deposits, having to pay low interest.


Government allows farmers to take crop-loans.

If you own farm-land, well, you are a farmer.

Even if you don’t use the facility to buy crops, you can still use it…

… for whatever.


Government sops it to farmers and you get roped in as an accidental farmer.

G(ood) f(or) y(ou). Yeah, gfy.

Why overdraft?

So that a fixed deposit doesn’t need to be broken prematurely.

Why the trouble?

Let’s say you need trade money to be in a trade for a few days, but the bulk of your liquidity is working elsewhere. However, in good times, you have created fixed deposits, which add to your liquidity at regular intervals. When your liquidity runs out for a few days, you think of breaking an FD to replenish it, but this incurs a penalty.

Suggested hack keeps everything intact.

You utilize the created liquidity, let’s say for a month.

Meanwhile, your income pipeline generates new income. You use this to keep nullifying parts of the loan. Let’s say in 40 days you have nullified the loan, and your positional trade, for which you took the loan, is still on. You are charged low interest on the loan taken for 40 days. Now the loan is nullified. Position is on and yielding. All equations solved. Net net something created out of …

…s omething that was already utilized elsewhere.

It doesn’t necessarily turn out so good all the time with a position, though.

If it’s losing, you are suffering positional loss and interest payment loss simultaneously. That’s the downside.

This hack is worthy, nevertheless.

Interest charged on 40 days is a small figure, typically less than a percent. A positional trade in profit can well give 15%+ in that period.

So, hack stands.

All you need to do is to see if the hack fits you.


In the markets…

… actions are decisions.

No decision taken means no action.

Well, no action is also an action.



… eventually …

… to generate wealth …

… or income …

… we are confronted with decisions.

I’m not afraid to act, upon seeing a confluence of supportive indications.

If I were afraid to act, well, I could have just sheer chosen another line, but would have been confronted with the same deficiency, there too.

Acting upon enhanced win probability should do away with any fear.

However, there’s always that thing before trigger-press.

What if I’m wrong?

Let’s not be afraid of being wrong.

We’ll take our stop and then we’re done with this action, now looking at implementing another action.

Our ability to take the decision for this other action, and for all future actions should remain intact.

How do we ensure that?

When we’re wrong, let’s be wrong small.

Then let’s move on to whatever new action is coming our way.

If we let ourselves be wrong big, that, my friends, is crippling.

Let’s not cripple ourselves.

Crippling does away with the capability to act further.

Now, decisions are a fry cry.

The day becomes heavy.

Nights …

… well …

… sleepless.

That’s not going to happen to us.


As traders, will do everything in our capability to stop a big loss from happening.


Losses are small in the beginning.

Let’s define their limit.

If you want to take it trade by trade, fine. Each trade has its own dynamics. However, small nature of stop remains common. Define what is small for you.


My formula – anything that stops the day from becoming heavy and the night from becoming sleepless. For me, that’s small. You decide your formula. Whatever works for you, take it.

This is called process.

We follow process.

We don’t focus on profit and loss.

We focus on process.

We want to get our process correct, day in, day out, forever.

Losses will follow. They will be taken small.

Profits will follow. We will allow these to become big. Though that is a difficult one, we will need to learn to, because without this one thing working for us, we won’t be long-term profitable.

Here’s a formula regarding letting profits run.

After a profit has touched 3 x your stop, allow 50% breathing space. If this is squeezed completely, exit with small profit. If underlying inches higher, inch your stop upwards, always allowing for breathing space. At 4 x you can allow 40% breathing space, at 5x 30%. Etc. Make your own formula that allows profits to burgeon.

Wishing you lucrative trading and ample wealth creation!



Replicability of an approach is a pipeline. You can always draw on it for a fresh trade, for example.

Scalability is a pipeline getting broader.

Research sharpens the edges of your pipeline, sustains these well, and founds new paths (pipelines), going forward.

Deep Thought is where one taps the pipelines of the Universe.

Experience builds reflexes, which guard and enhance pipelines. This is intuition in action.

Ability to discern allows judgement to manipulate a pipeline in the correct direction.

Cataloguing provides hindsight, so that the pipeline of foresight is strengthened.

Giving opens up vast positive pipelines for oneself, by creating energy vacuum in one’s immediate environment.

Relaxation allows the pipeline of genius to emerge. Brilliant sparks which have been developing silently, within oneself, burst forward.

Family is a pipeline of joy.

Freedom allows the pipeline of creativity to flow.

Also, detachment allows time for the pipeline of flow to form properly. This is particularly valid in trading. Think of profits being allowed to run, for starters.

If I rack my brains, I’ll come up with more…


That’s not the point.

The point is to delineate that one’s per saldo self is a net resultant of many pipelines acting in tandem.

These have taken time, effort, fortune, patience, blood, sweat, tears and what have you to create.

I measure my life’s success in seamlessly implemented pipelines on autopilot.

For every long-term, seamless, auto-pipeline functioning optimally and on full, there have probably been fifty discarded efforts.

Whether one is trading, investing or sheerly living a fulfilling life, …

… it’s one ‘s pipelines that provide critical support.


Is that a hammer in your hand?




Does everything appear to be a nail?

In the markets, I like to keep buttons away from sight, as a start.

Meaning, that the conditions to bring a button out…

…need to trigger first.

How would I know?

For that, there are alerts.

Meaning that we go on doing other stuff, till we are alerted, that there’s action ahead.

That’s when we activate the concerned button to visible mode.

Taking time, we decide whether this particular button needs to be pressed.


Proceed with other stuff as normal.



Do your accounts.

See how you’ve fared.


Proceed with other stuff…

…till next alert for button visibility activation.

Why all this rigmarole?

Because we don’t wish to be trigger-happy in the markets.

We take calls when they’re due.

We use time-slots in between calls to live life, tension-free, happy.

That’s one approach to the markets.

I’m sure you have your own.

Maybe yours involves more screen-time.

I respect that.

Mine doesn’t involve too much screen time, to be honest.

That’s the way I like it.

That also doesn’t mean anything as far as volumes or output are concerned.

Lesser screen-time leaves me ample space for other stuff.

I get to live a fuller life-experience.

To each their own.

This is my take.

I respect your take too.

Some takes require maximum screen-time.

Some like it like that.

That’s their life.



This is mine.

And this is my market screen-time…

…perhaps an hour or two a day, sometimes one, sometimes two.

Something like that.


Markets speak.

Can we hear them?

Do we know their language?

We are not born knowing their language.

We learn.

Their’s is not a normal language.

It keeps changing…

…till it’s similar to the past…

…and then it changes again…

…to throw us off-track.

We need to keep adapting.

Every corner could be a new one, with a new sign.

Feel the challenge?

The thrill upon attempting to decipher?

Do you feel fulfilled?

Well, if yes, then you’ve met your calling.


Now sustain.

Play out your full market journey. Enjoy it. Win.


Since every corner could be a new one, every corner needs to be approached with a what-if-plan.

Simultaneously, one is on the lookout for signs.

What signs?

Similarities, in patterns, psychology, chronology, feel, levels, anything.

Have you seen this before?

What happened last time?

Approach with multiple scenario what-if.

What if you haven’t seen current signs on offer?

Carve out the situation.

Create scenarios.

Build a what if for each scenario.


Notice something?

Whether one has seen something before, or not, the approach is basically the same.


We’ll not bother with getting spooked out.

We just keep tapping the markets, armed with a play-out strategy for each unfolding scenario.

Our approach is designed such that we sustain till the end of our market journey and beyond.

We keep intact our health, family life, and our corpus.

We keep sharpening our edge, and keep attempting lucrative reward risk scenarios.

We learn to take our stop.

We learn to let runners run till logical exits appear.

We learn to establish and enjoy a life beyond markets.

Wishing all market success and happiness.



Is there a category…

…called “Unsolvables”?


As long as something is unsolvable, there’s that category, for you.

When all on the category list is solved, the category ceases to exist, for you.

It switches on and off.

Then, there’s attitude.

As in, I will solve.

And, as in, nothing is unsolvable.

Or, as in, I’ll adjust around, and live with the unsolvable, as happily as I can.

What exactly is the basic nature of an unsolvable?

All that’s on your plate, observe that, and when you take away the solved and the solvable stuff, you’re left with that which is unsolvable, for you, at least at the moment under consideration.

Why is it there?

To make one exert…

…and grow.

When one has grown enough to learn the life lesson being taught, well, lo and behold…

…the unsolvable vanishes.

Its purpose is fulfilled.

The lesson has been learnt, remember?

So there’s hope.

There are some tough unsolvables, though.

They don’t seem to go away.

Here, the lesson being taught is a huge one, preparing one for a daunting task in the future.

In this case, the unsolvable vanishing will lead to a wasted opportunity to prepare for a daunting future task.

That’s why, it sticks around, perhaps for life.

That’s tough.

For life…

…is a long, long time.

Why for life?

Maximal tanking up on lesson energy required, …

… ,so the unsolvable sticks, for life.



Don’t despair.

Take pride in the solved equations, and determine staunchly to keep the unsolvable list as empty as possible.

Eventually the pain caused by a lifelong unsolvable becomes a baseline, and one doesn’t feel it.

There’s vast hope. Yes.




…is working for you?

Do you know?

Have you singled out…

…what gives you profit?

Many things?

What gives more?

Two things?

Which of these is more enjoyable?

Single it out.

What fits best?

Time-line fit.

Mental fit.

Physical fit.

Family fit.

Attitude fit.

Approach fit.


That’s what you are doing…

…from the moment you identify…

this supreme fit.

No one is stopping you from trying other stuff too.


We’ve come here to do, and why not do maximum, right?


Maximize on your life’s activity.

For profit, however, tread on that one path, which…

…fits supremely.


…score maximum…

…in their area of specialization.

One might argue that what if?

Ya, what if something turns in the area where one’s maximally into?

One’s saved up in the good years, right?

That will bridge the gap.

See what’s wrong and fix it.

Come back in, slowly.

Find rhythm.

Accelerate when comfortable.

A series of procedural and systematic steps, followed correctly…

…eventually leads an expert to a peak.

When you’re peaking, here’s wishing…

—that you never look back!


Shareware – When Everyone has Access


…what is…

…and what isn’t?

Is technical analysis 1.0.1 still valid?

Why has this question arisen?

What is it about shareware?

Basics never go away.

One always falls back to basics.

Having said that, basics can be made to appear a certain way.


So that a newbie recognizes a pattern and acts.

Does that render the shareware useless?


One learns how to use shareware.

Combining a basic candlestick pattern with volume and open interest, for example…

…renders the shareware back as useful.

However, we are now moving in the sphere of technical analysis 1.0.2+ .

Moral of the story?

Don’t believe what basic shareware is telling you as is.

Back up your observation with multiple factors.

Aligning combinations?

Sector behaviour?

Broader market?

Market rhythm?


Dometic sentiment?

International what have we-s?

Psychology at play?

Get a feel for the goings-on.

It’s ok to pay for market software and set it up with multiple edges, rather than use plain vanilla free- or shareware.



…translate into money.

Even an alert is an edge.

20 alerts are 20 edges.

Freeware not allowing any alerts?

Well, rethink, Mr. Scrooge.

Spend on quality, to make multiples later.

Let’s get out of the freebie mentality…

…since we wish to strike it big with the markets.

Wishing all lucrative market play!



Adding value…

…can boil down to…

…taking time…

…to do so.

So we’re cruising along some process, and we recognize value, elsewhere.

This is the moment.

Do we interrupt our process to take the time?

It’s an extra effort.

Interruptions are annoying.

Going the extra mile will lead to a fuller life-experience from the near future onwards.

That’s what extra added value does.

The most difficult part is to slow down, and smell the roses on the way.

We’re always caught up in trajectories.

Small deviations cause us discomfort.

Why have we forgotten (?) that more than being a collection of results,…

…life is better remembered for its journeys and how each path unfolded.

The fun we had on the way.

Or did we forget to have fun on the way?

Let’s not let it come to that.

Here’s to enjoying each journey, taking in the view on the way, adding offered value, and only then looking towards reporting the home-runs scored.



Life moves…

…from system to system.

We add value…

…at every step.

One breathes easy after setting a system on auto.

While setting the system on auto, it’s the process that drives us (Neo).

Process gives quality to life. Enjoyment emanates.

It’s this enjoyment that we carry forward. Rest, all of it, stays behind. This enjoyment, and the memory of it, is our earning that lasts, eons.

Systems can be applied to all walks of wife.

Deciding not to have a system in an aspect of life…

…is also a system.


You decide to…

…not do something…

…if a particular situation arises.

Keyword is…


The more important questions here are…

…whether you have stuck to your system?

Did you refrain from acting?

Did sticking to process evolve you?

Were you thrown out of your comfort zone?

Did you enjoy getting tossed around?

Sometimes we do. It teaches and equips us for bigger game. We enjoy exploits in the bigger game after having learnt from the turmoil in the smaller game.

Whatever cooks your recipe.



…and devise…

…the optimal chronology for yourself.

Yeah, optimize the system…

…and don’t stop optimizing…

till you’re ready to leave such system on auto.


You now have so much confidence in your newly fully optimized system, that you actually leave it functioning on auto, and move on to use your life to keep adding further value.

Eventually, life becomes an ensemble of powerful systems.

Remember, some of these are no action systems too, so you’ve got that base covered, yeah, this line was for the critics 🙂

Occasionally, systems malfunction.

Then, we fine-tune.

Or, we discard, and create anew.

The power at your disposal when a system functions successfully, on full and on auto, is immense.

Imagine a life with multiple successful systems functioning on full, and on auto.

Apart from all the pluses that emerge in such a life, there’s something I wish to focus on.

Systems on auto means spare time after achievement.

Using this time to do something even more meaningful is what attracts me.

Eventually, all the value addition starts to benefit not only you but also the people in your environment, your city, your country, and…

…the entire world.



Market forces are like Wifi.

When we connect to them, they…

…connect to us.

When we’re indifferent, …

… we’re in a different world.

When we create systems, and put them on auto-pilot, we mostly do away with the ability of market forces to act upon us.

A successfully implemented system on auto-loop is like making time stand still.

That’s our goal; that’s where we want to be.

In the act of getting there, we are subject to compelling market forces.

How do we deal with them?

Rather than suffering KOs from their punches, we devise systems…

…to absorb their blows,…

…understand the implications of these,…

…to, then,…

…harness them.

What am I talking about?

Why give market forces so much power?

Why not?

They’re there, right?

In abundance, too.

Why not use them?


You can go back to George Soros’s back pain for starters.

Have you developed such physical systems?

I’ll tell you what I implement. It’s a me thing. You’ll need to develop your you thing. I’ll share with you my me thing, though.

When markets are down, I do feel bad, it’s an initial reaction. I wait for it to intensify. I wait for myself to feel awful. That means markets must be really down. As awfulness rises, I start buying. When awfulness is uncontrollable, I buy big. When it makes me puke, I buy maximum. Meanwhile, I’ve rewired my nervous system to accept the awfulness as a marker for buying, and I’m not sad that I’m feeling awful during market crashes. Hmmm, I know it sounds a bit crazy, but this a successful harness-methodology of otherwise overwhelming market forces.

When markets are up, I feel buoyant. Earlier, when I felt buoyant, I used to buy more. Now, I do nothing. Market-nothing, that is. Non-market, I’ll do many things. That’s harnessing buoyancy. As markets rise further, I do even more of market-nothing, and when I can’t control it, I then start creating cost-free-ness. When buoyancy is uncontrollable, I create maximum possible cost-free-ness, and hopefully, then, I can go on market-vacation. Before I do that, I make sure to transfer the cost-free-ness created to a dedicated holding platform for my cost-free-ness.

Ideally, new market activity needs to only commence upon the next set of opportunities. Sometimes, one needs to wait long for these to develop. The act of bridging time comes in handy here. Market is not giving action. We harness even that. We have accumulated lots of pending tasks, just for this kind of period. Now, we do these. Ultimately, an opportunity arises. A new cycle of cost-free-ness-creation starts.

Development of you-unique systems helps you harness the market in a winning fashion.

Wishing you lucrative investing and lots of cost-free-ness!


Making Time Stand Still

The buck stops…

…with the entity called time.

Too much hangs on it.

Lack of it makes decisions difficult.

Too much of it defers them.

In the markets, we take it out of the equation…

…and then act.

If not, market forces bog us down.

And, imagine the load if our game is heavy.

After having gotten our basics infallibly into place, we wish to play a heavy game, without the load.


… – time – …

…first we take out of the equation,…

…and then we play.

We stretch the trade duration to a potential infinity. Period.

Trade might resolve in a few days. Or not. Right.

However, potential infinity gives us the wherewithal to focus on the next play.

Then, before action, we make time stand still.


By forgetting that it exists.

By focusing on the one act that we are about to commit.

By encompassing the totality of all connectivities that have led us to the moment of acting, and having them before our mind and on our fingertips, as we act.

By being pinpointedly mindful of our actions whilst shutting out any disturbing noise.

By being…

…in the Zone,…

…such that,…


…time might tick,…

…but for us it doesn’t seem to.



Why are we so interested in making time stand still as we act?

For just one pure reason.

We want our act to have maximum impact.

And that it will, once we act, immersed in the scheme of things.

The chronology is as follows : Time still-stand, identification of market act, entry into scheme of things, action, exit from scheme, time roll-forward.

Timeframe doesn’t register in our minds. Potent action is identified, and happens, fitting into the natural fabric of things, into the timeline of the scheme of events.

Impact, ideally, is maximum.

Imagine the cumulative impact of a lifetime of such actions!

Wishing you lucrative times!


Tech Bubble please burst

Bubbles burst,…


…pendulums swing.

We’ve seen bursts.

We’ve gauged our way through them.



We save up…

…for such situations.

Earlier, bursts were rare.

Now, they are common…

…and quick.

That’s great news for us.

What’s the worst that can happen in a tech-bubble burst?

Front-liners can start trading at single-digit valuations.

Mid-tiers can be down 50 to 75%.

Smaller players can lose 90% of their market cap.

When front-liners trade at single digit valuations, we’ll load up on these.

Medium sized tech scrips showed even ten-bagger behaviour lately. Such down-side would be immensely valuable for us, to avail re-entry opportunities.

Coming to small-sized, debt-free tech players with remarkable free cash-flow to market cap ratios, ya, we do own a couple, and ya, we would re-buy.

So, what’s all the hoo-hah?

Bubble bursts, we buy.

Strategy is outlined.

Players are demarcated.

No time for small-talk, chit-chat, or any other non-useful “market-activity”.

Meanwhile, we just keep trading from interim low to interim high in our pursuit for small quanta of cost-free-ness.



News from the One-Off Corner

One-off runners emit a lure.

One don’t follow them.

However, one is dazzled by their move, and gets roped in.

What’s the out?

1). Emo-check.

2). Fundamental scrutiny.

Pass or fail.

If pass, go to 3). (if fail, move on in life).

3). Add to watch-list.

4). Watch.

Keep watching…

..till you can take a decision to make the one-off a static, or you just junk the idea of engaging with the one-off.

There’s that word again – static.

It’s possible that I’ll be laughed at for using this word in a market context.

I don’t mind being laughed at.

Others have been laughed at too.

Some of these are called pioneers today.

I’m not saying that I’m one.

However, I like to do things differently, exploring new avenues. It just sheer gives me a kick.

News from the one-off corner is their ability to showcase capability of movement.

You see, we’d like our statics to be able to move freely when the time comes.

When we see a one-off exhibiting free movement readily, we can explore whether this one can one day become part of our statics.

To build a house, one needs bricks.

As long as we desist from trading one-offs upon first movement and without proper fundamental and watch-list scrutiny, we should be safe.

When we convert the one-off into a static, news from the one-off corner translates for us into multiple wins over time.

Wishing you lucrative times in the markets!



What are your statics?

What do you follow …

… all the time?

More importantly,…

…why follow something…

…all the time?

There are always new runners on the block.

Changing pursuits regularly should keep one busy, right?



Busy winning?

Not so sure on that one.

Statics allow you to win through them…

…again and again.


Because you have felt their pulse.

Your fluidity has blended into their being, and you are one with the underlying.

You flow with them.

That’s when you win with them.


…that’s when you keep winning with them.

How did you choose your statics?

Choice needs to be fool-proof for you.


If not, doubt will creep in.

That’s a poisonous crack.

It doesn’t allow you to win with your static.

Replace the static in question, this time without a doubt clouding your mind.

Or, bury your doubt.

Then, go and win.

Statics, is that even a word?

No idea.

It feels right, and I’m using it to channel across a pivotal concept.

That’s all that counts.




There’s no hype…

…on Magic Bull.

No business lunches.






Magic Bull is a no-nonsense, cut-to-the-chase space.


That’s how I like it.

A strategy that works under any market conditions, …

… is multi-faceted,…

…  adaptable, …

…  self-adjusting, …

… and comprehensive, …

… doesn’t require artificial crutches… 

… because, …

… it makes…

… money …

… on its own.  

Why is the Magic Bull approach successful in any market, under any conditions?

Because it is based on fearlessness. 

We are not born fearless.

Fear is a natural human instinct innate in us. 

It saves us, many a time. 

However, to make money in the markets, one needs to get rid of fear.


Most of our planning revolves around creating circumstances around ourselves that take fear out of the equation. 

You’ll need to make the effort of going through the material in this space, to get a grip on how Magic Bull eliminates this emotion. 

You see, even if there’s a free lunch in life, it’s not that free that the spoon will lift itself and put the meal down another’s throat. 

A certain minimal effort will need to be made. 

Thing is, hardly anyone makes even that kind of effort. 

Result will be, that not more than a handful will actually read this stuff, and one or two might actually implement it.


Growing Magic Bull’s readership is not my objective.

What do I get from the entire exercise?

Evolution. Writing evolves. The strategy just gets better and better.

Blah blah blah. 

Oh, ya, what happens when a strategy gets it right?

I’ll leave you to figure that out, since that’s what I get. 

And why again?

Because of fearlessness.

One’s cycle of winning in the markets, under any conditions, starts with fearlessness.

Wishing you fearless trading and investing!


Banking on Infinity

In a market…

…that promises decent…

…long-term growth, …

… we are able to…

…bank on infinity.

In such a market, the concept of cost-free-ness proves successful …

… in that it is able to generate multibagger outcomes, …

… over the very long-term. 

In such a market, the power of compounding makes itself felt in its full glory.

Also, in such a market, fear goes out the window for the clued-in player, since one is able to…

…bank on infinity.

We are fortunate to be playing in one such market. 

Yes, one such market is our very own. 

Having said that, India has idiosyncrasies, as does every market, and the Indian angle on these is definitely unique. 

The main one is that we’re an emotional lot. 

That is automatically then reflected in our market too. 

High beta. 

Meaning, in normal English, that there will abound huge entry opportunities, and huge exit opportunities, on a regular basis. 

And that, if I may underline, is worth Gold for us in the pursuit of cost-free-ness.

In other words, we will be able to create cost-free-ness year upon year, month upon month, and, at times, like now…

…week upon week.

Is that not…


Once cost-free-ness is created, we transfer it out of sight, and, banking on infinity, we can just sheer forget about it, focusing our attention on the next round of cost-free-ness-creation.

We can do that because we are in the right type of market for this particular model. 

In fact, this model has been conceptualised for exactly…

…this market. 

Maybe someone has done it before me. Perhaps a lot of people. More successful. Big players. Famous. And that’s huge. I’m happy for them.

However, that’s not the point. 

We’re not in this for the glory of who got there first.

We’re in this for generating long-term wealth by using the concept to the hilt, because it’s working, and promises to do so till into the far-foreseeable future.

Before I sign off for now, there’s one more thing to remember. 

When we bank on infinity, we most hold before our eyes, that the translation of long-term growth into long-term wealth…

…is not linear.

Growth is perceived in spurts of optimism spilling into over-optimism, and these become our exit opportunities, where we exit with our principals, and are left with stacks of cost-free-ness. 

During spurts of pessimism, spilling into sheer depression, prices dip low enough, such that we, once again, get representable entries. 

It’s a neat little cycle that has been playing out since markets started. 

In our own market, this cycle allows us to generate cost-free-ness, again and again, while banking on infinity.