Getting the Number

There comes a time in life…

…when you are in a position to make defining statements about yourself.

This is what you don’t like doing.

Shove it out. Except what you can’t.

This is what you like doing. 

Amongst what you like doing, this is what is beneficial for you.

Make a list for this last category. 







Get the number…

…in these categories.

What does that mean?

It means, scale these activities up. 

There will be resistance. 

Don’t bother. 

It’s your lot in life. 

This is what you’ve come to do. 

First up, you’re going to do it. 

Many times, you’ll find yourself slipping into the other category, of things that you like doing, but which are not necessarily beneficial for you. 


Please yourself. 

That’s also what you’ve come to do. 

When you’ve had your heart’s content of pleasure, please come back to the originally earmarked category. 

Intermittently, you’ll be doing stuff that you don’t like doing, but aren’t able to shove out. 

This stuff is also good for you,…

…because, it teaches. 

Just do it with that attitude. 

Once you’ve gotten your numbers in your earmarked category, you can shift gears a bit. 

Voila, you start doing stuff that benefits others. 

Your stomach is full.

You’ve achieved. 

It doesn’t give you a kick anymore. 

Now, benefitting others will give you a kick. 

Go for it. 

Get your number here. 

Of course.

It’s something you came to do too. 

Make sure you get here. 

Don’t get stuck somewhere before you reach it. 

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