One up on the Screenshot

It keeps getting better!

There came the selfie.

Then the screenshot asked it to move over.

Now it’s the all-powerful clipping.

Yeah, clippings are taking it away.

They’ve even told the protectionists to go take a walk.

Apps are incorporating clippers.

So are browsers, as plug-ins.

What’s so special about the clipping?

In a nutshell, the clipping leads to tailor-storage of your web-experience.


What, someone programmed in a screenshot-prohibitor?

No biggie.

Your clipper will still clip and store the entire protected page, clip by clip if it has to. Then you can just upload all the clippings to one central storage point, like Dropbox, Google Drive, or better still – Evernote. Yeah, for example in Evernote, the clippings will read as one seamless webpage.

Now that is powerful.

Feeling lazy?

There are n different ways to clip web-content. Just button-click your choice, Mr. Couch Potato.

Let’s say you want 60% of the webpage.

Yeah, there’s a lot of useless stuff you want to get rid of. Sure.

Go clip by clip. Got it together? Fine. Upload to central.

What exactly are we achieving here?

With the ability to clip and archive, your web-experience will be properly stored, waiting for your recall button-clicks.

Very soon, we’ll discuss the idea of tailor-storage further. Yeah, tagging. I’m sure you’re already doing it and know all about it. Nevertheless, we’ll discuss it.


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