
Is there a category…

…called “Unsolvables”?


As long as something is unsolvable, there’s that category, for you.

When all on the category list is solved, the category ceases to exist, for you.

It switches on and off.

Then, there’s attitude.

As in, I will solve.

And, as in, nothing is unsolvable.

Or, as in, I’ll adjust around, and live with the unsolvable, as happily as I can.

What exactly is the basic nature of an unsolvable?

All that’s on your plate, observe that, and when you take away the solved and the solvable stuff, you’re left with that which is unsolvable, for you, at least at the moment under consideration.

Why is it there?

To make one exert…

…and grow.

When one has grown enough to learn the life lesson being taught, well, lo and behold…

…the unsolvable vanishes.

Its purpose is fulfilled.

The lesson has been learnt, remember?

So there’s hope.

There are some tough unsolvables, though.

They don’t seem to go away.

Here, the lesson being taught is a huge one, preparing one for a daunting task in the future.

In this case, the unsolvable vanishing will lead to a wasted opportunity to prepare for a daunting future task.

That’s why, it sticks around, perhaps for life.

That’s tough.

For life…

…is a long, long time.

Why for life?

Maximal tanking up on lesson energy required, …

… ,so the unsolvable sticks, for life.



Don’t despair.

Take pride in the solved equations, and determine staunchly to keep the unsolvable list as empty as possible.

Eventually the pain caused by a lifelong unsolvable becomes a baseline, and one doesn’t feel it.

There’s vast hope. Yes.


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