
Nobody likes constriction.

It …

… limits, …

… suffocates …

… and tries to lower one’s self-esteem.

Have been constricted.

Circumstances all around border on criminal society, fascism and unnecessary limits applied to everyday life, even home life.

There’ve been two ways to go.

One is to crumble.

The other is to find pathways.

In alleys.







Covert efficiency.

Knowledge acquisition


When nothing works for one on the outside, we go into achievement mode on the inside.

I speak for those who decide not to crumble.

Times will change.

They always have.

It’s dictators that have crumbled.

They’ve not been able to conquer time.

We keep ourselves functional till our time comes.

When it does …

… and it will, …

… our added soft assets will shine forth …

… not only with a vengeance, …

… but will be impossible to ignore.

Achievement is just an add-on.

Survival is a far more precious memory.

Banana Trajectory

Growth …

… is a non-linear entity.

Especially …

… high growth.

Amongst many things, …

… one point needs …

… pointing out.

Between periods of high growth…

… anything can happen.

The levels of what can happen are, amongst other correlations, directly proportionate to the number of similarities between an economy in question and the functioning of a proper banana republic.

Freedom of speech can be suppressed.

Parallel economies can thrive.

Extortion and blackmail can rule.




People buyouts.



And then there’s high growth again, perhaps soon, if the economy gets its act together despite its rulers, and perhaps accelerated, if the rulers come to their senses and return back to being peace, growth and democracy loving .

Without getting into too much nitty-gritty about what kind of a republic we live in, for lack of a better phrase, and with a very small use of one’s imagination, one could venture to suggest that our own path of growth could resemble that of a banana trajectory.

The banana in this title doesn’t have much to do with the curvature of the fruit.

Much rather, it’s about the economy to banana republic correlation.

Might I suggest that our economy’s banana behaviour is mostly mild. Then, rarely, it gets intense. Normal growth returns. Then comes high growth. Periods of very high growth are rare, but there too.

Overall I’m happy with my and in my republic.

Sometimes, its banana behaviour beats me up.

Yeah, every ten years or so, there’s a big hit.

No one likes getting hurt.

I do remember to stand up and continue fighting, …

… because it is in this very republic, that I can make my 15% p.a.c.

On the conservative side, that is. Perhaps I can make more.

I don’t get that in any other economy.

You see, occasional banana behaviour is good news for a long term contrarian.

Banananomics lead to blunders, and temporary downfalls, with all indices falling big.

Which is where we have the guts to buy, and big.


We know we are on a high growth trajectory with intermittent banana behaviour.

A very simple formula suggests itself.

Buy big during reactions to banana behaviour.

Take principle out after spurts of high growth.

Sit tight on underlying in profit, perhaps for life.

A high growth trajectory with intermittent banana behaviour will give you many such cycles in your lifetime.

One stands to make multiple times the ten yearly hits.

Upon recognising this recurring pattern, one can even fine-tune and enhance loss-attenuation.



Replicability of an approach is a pipeline. You can always draw on it for a fresh trade, for example.

Scalability is a pipeline getting broader.

Research sharpens the edges of your pipeline, sustains these well, and founds new paths (pipelines), going forward.

Deep Thought is where one taps the pipelines of the Universe.

Experience builds reflexes, which guard and enhance pipelines. This is intuition in action.

Ability to discern allows judgement to manipulate a pipeline in the correct direction.

Cataloguing provides hindsight, so that the pipeline of foresight is strengthened.

Giving opens up vast positive pipelines for oneself, by creating energy vacuum in one’s immediate environment.

Relaxation allows the pipeline of genius to emerge. Brilliant sparks which have been developing silently, within oneself, burst forward.

Family is a pipeline of joy.

Freedom allows the pipeline of creativity to flow.

Also, detachment allows time for the pipeline of flow to form properly. This is particularly valid in trading. Think of profits being allowed to run, for starters.

If I rack my brains, I’ll come up with more…


That’s not the point.

The point is to delineate that one’s per saldo self is a net resultant of many pipelines acting in tandem.

These have taken time, effort, fortune, patience, blood, sweat, tears and what have you to create.

I measure my life’s success in seamlessly implemented pipelines on autopilot.

For every long-term, seamless, auto-pipeline functioning optimally and on full, there have probably been fifty discarded efforts.

Whether one is trading, investing or sheerly living a fulfilling life, …

… it’s one ‘s pipelines that provide critical support.


Is there a category…

…called “Unsolvables”?


As long as something is unsolvable, there’s that category, for you.

When all on the category list is solved, the category ceases to exist, for you.

It switches on and off.

Then, there’s attitude.

As in, I will solve.

And, as in, nothing is unsolvable.

Or, as in, I’ll adjust around, and live with the unsolvable, as happily as I can.

What exactly is the basic nature of an unsolvable?

All that’s on your plate, observe that, and when you take away the solved and the solvable stuff, you’re left with that which is unsolvable, for you, at least at the moment under consideration.

Why is it there?

To make one exert…

…and grow.

When one has grown enough to learn the life lesson being taught, well, lo and behold…

…the unsolvable vanishes.

Its purpose is fulfilled.

The lesson has been learnt, remember?

So there’s hope.

There are some tough unsolvables, though.

They don’t seem to go away.

Here, the lesson being taught is a huge one, preparing one for a daunting task in the future.

In this case, the unsolvable vanishing will lead to a wasted opportunity to prepare for a daunting future task.

That’s why, it sticks around, perhaps for life.

That’s tough.

For life…

…is a long, long time.

Why for life?

Maximal tanking up on lesson energy required, …

… ,so the unsolvable sticks, for life.



Don’t despair.

Take pride in the solved equations, and determine staunchly to keep the unsolvable list as empty as possible.

Eventually the pain caused by a lifelong unsolvable becomes a baseline, and one doesn’t feel it.

There’s vast hope. Yes.



Market forces are like Wifi.

When we connect to them, they…

…connect to us.

When we’re indifferent, …

… we’re in a different world.

When we create systems, and put them on auto-pilot, we mostly do away with the ability of market forces to act upon us.

A successfully implemented system on auto-loop is like making time stand still.

That’s our goal; that’s where we want to be.

In the act of getting there, we are subject to compelling market forces.

How do we deal with them?

Rather than suffering KOs from their punches, we devise systems…

…to absorb their blows,…

…understand the implications of these,…

…to, then,…

…harness them.

What am I talking about?

Why give market forces so much power?

Why not?

They’re there, right?

In abundance, too.

Why not use them?


You can go back to George Soros’s back pain for starters.

Have you developed such physical systems?

I’ll tell you what I implement. It’s a me thing. You’ll need to develop your you thing. I’ll share with you my me thing, though.

When markets are down, I do feel bad, it’s an initial reaction. I wait for it to intensify. I wait for myself to feel awful. That means markets must be really down. As awfulness rises, I start buying. When awfulness is uncontrollable, I buy big. When it makes me puke, I buy maximum. Meanwhile, I’ve rewired my nervous system to accept the awfulness as a marker for buying, and I’m not sad that I’m feeling awful during market crashes. Hmmm, I know it sounds a bit crazy, but this a successful harness-methodology of otherwise overwhelming market forces.

When markets are up, I feel buoyant. Earlier, when I felt buoyant, I used to buy more. Now, I do nothing. Market-nothing, that is. Non-market, I’ll do many things. That’s harnessing buoyancy. As markets rise further, I do even more of market-nothing, and when I can’t control it, I then start creating cost-free-ness. When buoyancy is uncontrollable, I create maximum possible cost-free-ness, and hopefully, then, I can go on market-vacation. Before I do that, I make sure to transfer the cost-free-ness created to a dedicated holding platform for my cost-free-ness.

Ideally, new market activity needs to only commence upon the next set of opportunities. Sometimes, one needs to wait long for these to develop. The act of bridging time comes in handy here. Market is not giving action. We harness even that. We have accumulated lots of pending tasks, just for this kind of period. Now, we do these. Ultimately, an opportunity arises. A new cycle of cost-free-ness-creation starts.

Development of you-unique systems helps you harness the market in a winning fashion.

Wishing you lucrative investing and lots of cost-free-ness!


Tech Bubble please burst

Bubbles burst,…


…pendulums swing.

We’ve seen bursts.

We’ve gauged our way through them.



We save up…

…for such situations.

Earlier, bursts were rare.

Now, they are common…

…and quick.

That’s great news for us.

What’s the worst that can happen in a tech-bubble burst?

Front-liners can start trading at single-digit valuations.

Mid-tiers can be down 50 to 75%.

Smaller players can lose 90% of their market cap.

When front-liners trade at single digit valuations, we’ll load up on these.

Medium sized tech scrips showed even ten-bagger behaviour lately. Such down-side would be immensely valuable for us, to avail re-entry opportunities.

Coming to small-sized, debt-free tech players with remarkable free cash-flow to market cap ratios, ya, we do own a couple, and ya, we would re-buy.

So, what’s all the hoo-hah?

Bubble bursts, we buy.

Strategy is outlined.

Players are demarcated.

No time for small-talk, chit-chat, or any other non-useful “market-activity”.

Meanwhile, we just keep trading from interim low to interim high in our pursuit for small quanta of cost-free-ness.



News from the One-Off Corner

One-off runners emit a lure.

One don’t follow them.

However, one is dazzled by their move, and gets roped in.

What’s the out?

1). Emo-check.

2). Fundamental scrutiny.

Pass or fail.

If pass, go to 3). (if fail, move on in life).

3). Add to watch-list.

4). Watch.

Keep watching…

..till you can take a decision to make the one-off a static, or you just junk the idea of engaging with the one-off.

There’s that word again – static.

It’s possible that I’ll be laughed at for using this word in a market context.

I don’t mind being laughed at.

Others have been laughed at too.

Some of these are called pioneers today.

I’m not saying that I’m one.

However, I like to do things differently, exploring new avenues. It just sheer gives me a kick.

News from the one-off corner is their ability to showcase capability of movement.

You see, we’d like our statics to be able to move freely when the time comes.

When we see a one-off exhibiting free movement readily, we can explore whether this one can one day become part of our statics.

To build a house, one needs bricks.

As long as we desist from trading one-offs upon first movement and without proper fundamental and watch-list scrutiny, we should be safe.

When we convert the one-off into a static, news from the one-off corner translates for us into multiple wins over time.

Wishing you lucrative times in the markets!


Is Cost-Free-Ness the Holy Grail?

There is…

…a Holy Grail…

…mentioned in the Holy Bible. 

Also, …

… human capital

… pursues excellence.


… am no exception.

Having stumbled upon…


…after many knocks in all possible markets, …

… and having developed the concept a tad, …

… I do say to you this.

I say to you, …

… , that cost-free-ness…

… is no holy grail. 

In its pursuit, money does get stuck. And, …

… upon its generation, money does flow, at times, into expensive, “uncatchable” material.

These are the two main mentionable “nuances” associated with the pursuit of cost-free-ness, that one needs to be aware of. 

Money getting stuck? Hmmmm.

If we’re afraid of money getting stuck, we should exit from the market. Any market. Period. 

Don’t be in the game if you can’t take the heat. 

It’s ok. 

Play another game, where you can. 

Perfectly fine.

Now let’s tackle the other one. 

Purists are jumping, I know. 

I can hear them yelling “EXPENSIVE!”


Extremely high quality…

…will be expensive. 

One legitimate entry opportunity every ten years can be possible in such underlyings.

When it comes, and if one is having a bad hair week, one can even miss the window.

When it comes, we’ll enter big.

That’s a larger game, non-cost-free initially, and we’ve played it well in March 2020, entering non-cost-free, entering big (because of the available margin of safety), and generating vast amounts of cost-free-ness within a few months, to then ultimately be sitting on large, extremely high-quality & completely cost-free portfolios, perhaps for life.

However, such timelines are anomalies. We’ll pounce upon such chronologies when they happen. Meanwhile, …

…our bread and butter is to generate small amounts of cost-free-ness on a regular basis, day-in-day-out, all year round, …

… and it’s ok to enter extremely high quality with one’s freshly generated small amounts of cost-free-ness, right here right now, at the expensive price. 


Firstly, it’s not costing you. 

Secondly, when we deploy cost-free-ness into extremely high quality in a long-term-growth-promising market like India’s, it’s probably for life. 

Seen from a perspective of a decade or two, or perhaps three, the currently expensive cost-free entry is legitimate. 

Please do the 10, 20 or 30 year math for India, and you should come to the same conclusion.

Why do we wish to deploy immediately?

Out of sight, out of mind. 

Money has idiosyncrasies. 

The biggest one is that it is spent, in the blink of an eye. 

Better, deploy it, specifically also because your mathematics is okaying a legit entry for the extremely long-term.

And, pray, have you wondered why you will be able to sit on your investment for so long?

Primarily because your entry is cost-free. 

There is no other singular, more overwhelming reason. 

Cost-free-ness overwhelms the mind into sitting on extremely long holds. Try it out for yourself.

That takes care of the second point, …

… and I say to you this, that…

… cost-free-ness, …

… though not the holy grail, …

… could well be the next best market concept available to mankind, for long-term success in the markets.

Wishing you lucrative & highly successful cost-free investing!


Taking Off with Cost-Free-Ness

In Buddhism, …

…there’s a saying to the effect, …

…that as the sun rises, …

…the radiance of others stars, …

… to the observer’s eye, …

… pales, …

…into insignificance.

We’re not going to leave an observation like that hanging.

We’re going to extrude it.

When we make a well-managed underlying cost-free, …

…what are the implications, …

… on existing holdings, …

…which are not cost-free yet?

Well, over a large period of time, …

…their comparative impact on the folio…

…will start paling, … into insignificance.

Let’s say we hold x value of cost-free-ness in an underlying.

Rest of the folio’s value is y, with y = let’s say 30x.

Here’s one way go looking at it.

What’s the maximum loss you can incur on your y?

Not going to happen, but it’s 30x.

What’s the maximum gain that can occur on your cost-free holding?

Uncapped. Yeah.

At 15% per annum compounded, which is reasonable to expect for a well-managed company with many other tick-marks, if you hold your cost-free holding for 25 years, it’s value would be ~ 33x (= 1.15^25).

So, what have you done?

You’ve paled your other portion of the folio into “insignificance”, with just one created pocket of cost-free-ness.

Do ponder, what the implications would be, if you were to create a). 10 such pockets, or b). 20, or c). 50, or perhaps even d). 100 such pockets of cost-free-ness?

Can you even imagine where you would then be in 25 years?

a). With 10x of cost-free-ness, you would be at ~ 329x.

b). With 20x of cost-free-ness, you would be at ~ 658x.

c). With 50x of cost-free-ness, you would be at ~ 1645x.

d). With 100x of cost-free-ness, you would be at ~ 3292x.

Now substitute the value of x here.

Arbitrarily, let’s take x = 1.

One rupee.

One thousand.

One lakh.

One million.

One Cr.

Take what suits you.

See where you started from, and see where you’ve then come.

For example, starting with 1L of cost-free-ness, we land up at ~ 16.5 Cr in 25 years for 50 pockets.

Let’s say I have a target of creating 1 million worth of cost-free-ness in 50 pockets.

Where do I stand in 25 years?

At ~ 165 Cr (50 *1Million *1.15^25).

Alone the after tax dividend emerging from this stream would be > 2.5 Cr per annum.

Any takers?

🙂 (Happy Cost-free-ness!)


By now…

…, we are positioned.

The persistence of high price-levels…

…has led us to take appropriate action.

One after another, we are washing our market mistakes clean.

What remains, is cost-free-ness, in high-quality holdings.

We’ve then also helped our relatives and friends attain the same state of market-being.


Now cost-free.


Gotten them to money-market.

Debt market holdings?

No more debt market for a while.

Bond-yields are rising.

There’ve been blow-ups. Boys @ FT and Nippon take a bow.

Parking where?

Fixed deposits.


Not in it for returns.

Just to park, safely.

We’re sticklers for parking safely.

Loss of interest will be made up within days of opportunity, into which funds then flow, and then some.

One can now say…


,…that we’re positioned.

What happens from this point onwards?

How many days has the main sensory index spent at PEs of 35+ within the last 5000 days?

Yeah, right?

Small-cap rally still due?

That’s what everyone feels, right?

That’s the point.

Leave the masses hanging onto something they’re expecting.

If it doesn’t happen, they’re what?

Left hanging. Devil takes the hind-most.

Please do your math, and please position yourself too, appropriately.

What if markets go on rising?

Sure, that’s a possibility, perhaps for a while.

Simple rule.

No level, no entry.

We know how to sit.

On our holdings, and then…

…on our cost-free-ness.

Now, capital will only move…

…upon opportunity.

And the pipe-line’s ample, our positioning has seen to that.

Come something like March ’20, and we’ll blast the flow of our pipeline.

Oh, another thing.

Notice the speed of moves, nowadays?

It’s fast, isn’t it?

As in markets are efficient, till they’re not, and then they’re efficient again, and then they’re not, back and forth, to and fro, all very fast.

Meaning what?

Meaning, that there will be ample opportunities, more sooner than later, and that till there are inefficiencies on the down-side,…

…we sit tight…

…to maximize the impact of our positioning.

Being Cost-Free is like having 100% Margin-of-Safety

What allows us to sit?

It’s margin-of-safety.

When we buy without margin-of-safety, we are not able to sit for the long term.

Long-term investing fails for us if we don’t know how to sit.

Extrapolating this logic further, what would allow us to sit on high-quality holdings, like, forever, allowing for multibaggers to develop in our portfolio?

It’s cost-free-ness.

Being cost-free in a stock is equivalent to having 100% margin-of-safety on the holding.

Such a state of being allows us to freely sit on the holding, like, forever.

A range of other benefits open up for us, and about these we have spoken in detail earlier.

For example, we become fearless with regard to our cost-free holding. Then, we experience full freedom of focus on future play, while simultaneously forgetting that we even have this other cost-free holding that we own! Like I said, we’ve discussed all this thoroughly in previous pieces.

Bottom-line is, that we understand explicitly following extrapolation : Buying with margin-of-safety translates into sitting-ability for us, leading to creation of cost-free-ness upon appropriate appreciation, and such cost-free-ness in turn equates to 100% margin of safety in the held underlying, which then allows us to sit indefinitely on our high quality holding.

We’ve thus set the stage for holding many multibaggers in our ‘folio, by the time we reach retirement age.


Cost-Free-Ness completely does away with Fear

When nothing from your end is invested, but you still have a holding in the markets,…

…you have created for yourself the state of cost-free-ness.

Cost-free-ness carries with itself a feeling of intense satisfaction…

…because of the sheer magnitude of the feat.

Well, congratulations.

With cost-free-ness comes absence of fear with regard to one’s cost-free holding.

When it’s not costing us, we’re not bothered.

Markets can go anywhere.

They can come down to zero, for all we care.


Still unshaken?



If markets comes down to zero, we can look to enter en-masse.

We’ve got principal, remember? Took it out, to create cost-free-ness, tu te souviens?

When markets come down to zero, owing to absence of fear, …

… our focus is not on our (cost-free) holding.

Instead, our focus is on the lucrative entries coming our way.

After markets come down to zero, if they do, they’ll soon reverse.

Then, our new entries will start becoming cost-free, as prices climb.

Soon, we’ll pull principal out again, and will have have new cost-free holdings, which we can transfer to our consolidated cost-free holding account.

Fear is nowhere in the equation.




Don’t book your basics though.

What are these basics?

Stuff you’re convinced about.

We’re long beyond due diligence here.

These underlyings are running. These are your right calls. 

They are not to be booked – as long as your conviction persists.

Any price?

Hmmm – this question brings in the concept of “Bookability”.

Save the booking angle here – for now. 

We’ll just try and answer above question about price. 

Sell everything else, as in any low-conviction holdings,…

…bit by bit,…

as markets tread higher and higher. 

Ultimately, it’ll all be gone. 

You’ll have done very well, and will have made good profits. 

You’re also left with your high-conviction holdings. 

As a bull market persists, these will start quoting at…

…ridiculous prices.

Is something a hold at…

…any price?

If you wish to be holding a multi-multi-bagger, well, then, yes, with a caveat.

When you can’t hold your trigger-fingers any longer, take your principal off the table. 



Now, what’s on the table for you, are high-conviction holdings, with principal off the table – aha – so these holding are free of cost for you.

When these high-conviction holdings are free of cost for you, the urge to sell can only persist because of two things. 

You could need the money. 



…because of an unfounded urge to book, as in “Score!”… .

Not fine. 

Tell your urge to sell that you want to make much, much more, by allowing an underlying to grow to 100x, for example. 

Urge to sell will subside.

What’s causing such urge?

Fear of a correction. 

When you’re holding free stuff, fear of a correction is unfounded. 

This needs to be instilled into our DNA.

With that, we’re done already!

Dynamics of a Right Call

India is in a long-term bull market.

Sure, there will be corrections.

We can easily have a big-time correction, but still be in the long-term bull market.

Putting things in a twenty year perspective, 2008 hasn’t done away with direction.

Sure, ideally one needed to be equity – light by Jan 14, 2008, which most of us weren’t.

Question is, will be be relatively equity-lighter on Jan 14, 2021?

Yeah, I will be.


That’s about it.

Won’t be selling a single share of my core-portfolio.

However, hopefully, will have sold everything else before an interim market peak.

You see, for every right call, we make umpteen wrong calls.

These are the ones that we discard on interim market highs.

We don’t discard core-portfolio inhabitants.

These we allow to compound into multi-baggers.

It’s OK to make wrong calls.

Without these, we won’t get to make the right ones.

We won’t make the next mistakes though.

We won’t discard wrong calls without it being an interim market high.

Also, we won’t discard a right call as long as we keep feeling it’s a right call.

The best calls remain right…

… like…

… almost forever.

We’re talking Buffet and Coke.

Or, for example, RJ and Titan.

List goes on.

Point is, when we’ve made the right call, we need to follow up with right actions that allow maximum mileage.

Allowance for compounding.

Increase of position upon interim lows.


No trigger-fingers.

You get the drift.

Over time, then, we are left with right calls which have developed into multi-baggers. Wrong calls have been discarded over many interim cycles.

The multi-baggers in our folio are, at this time, generating enough dividend to sustain us.

This is where we want to be.

It’s OK to dream.

Without the right dreams, we won’t arrive at the sweet-spot mentioned above.

Happy long-term investing! 🙂

Happy 10th Birthday, Magic Bull !


10 years…

…have flown by.

We’re smiling. 

Our strategy stands. 

Its construction has culminated.

It can weather the market.

Over time, we’ve fine-tuned our small entry quantum strategy extensively,…

…and it’s bearing fruit. 

We’ve made it generic. 

Anyone can use it. 

There’s nothing to hide.

The two main ingredients required are patience and discipline.

Since these are anyways in short supply, even though our material is in public domain, very few people will actually avail benefit from it.


It’s work.

In general, one shies away from work. 

Who’s going to dig out the nitty-gritty from 600 odd pieces on the site?

People are ok with a free ride, but putting in effort is a wholly different matter.

So the question arises – Why?

Why is the matter open to all? Why upload? Why write?

When we share, we achieve happiness.

Our body secretes hormones of happiness when we help others.

When our existence becomes invaluable to the Universe, the Universe goes out of its way to protect us. 

Karma – the boomerang – comes back. 

Don’t think – ever – even for one instant – that this effort is not being rewarded. 

The Universe is repaying – in full – with heavy interest. 


…one doesn’t do it for such repayment. 

It’s FUN. 

One does it for the enjoyment. 

It’s a giveback.

One does it for the happiness it causes, in oneself and in others.


…and protection…

…are just side-effects.

This effort…

…will go on.

Long after me…

…my words will live on.

On that note,…

…happy 10th birthday, Magic Bull.

Sitting – III


…happen all the time…

…in the markets.

If we don’t get used to dealing with them, we’re pretty much gone.

When pessimism rules, it’s quite common for one to develop negative thoughts about a holding. 

Research – stands. 

There’s nothing really wrong with the stock. 

However, sentiment is king. 

When sentiment is down, not many underlyings withstand downward pressure.

Eventually, you start feeling otherwise about your stock that is just not performing, as it was supposed to, according to its stellar fundamentals. 

If your conviction is strong enough, this feeling will pass. 

Eventually, pessimism will be replaced by optimism. 

Upwards pressure…

…results in upticks. 

Finally, you say, the market is discovering what your research promised.

You feel vindicated, and your outlook about the stock changes, in the event that negativity had set in.

You’ve not ended up dumping this particular stock.

If your conviction had not been strong enough, you would have gotten swayed. 

Market-forces are very strong. 

They can sweep the rug from under one’s feet, and one can be left reeling. 

In such circumstances, solid due-diligence and solid experience are your pillars of strength, and they allow you footing to hold on to. 

However, if your research isn’t solid enough, you will start doubting it and yourself, soon (and if you’re not experienced enough, make the mistake, learn from it, it’s ok, because your mistake is going to be a small mistake just now, and you’ll never repeat it, which is better than making the same mistake on a larger scale at the peak of your career, right?! We are talking about the mistake of doing shoddy due-diligence and getting into a stock without the confidence needed to traverse downward pressure).

With that, your strategy has failed, because it is not allowing you to sit comfortably. 

Please remember, that the biggest money is made if first one has created circumstances which allow one to sit comfortably. 

Basic income. 

Emergency fund.

Excess liquidity.

Small entry quantum.

Rock solid research work, encompassing fundamentals and technicals both. 

Margin of safety.

Patience for good entries.

Exit strategy. Whichever one suits you. It should be in place, at least in your mind. 


Fill in your blanks. 

Make yourself comfy enough to sit and allow compounding to work. 

Weed out what stops you from sitting, and finish it off forever, meaning that don’t go down that road ever again.

Very few know how to sit. 

Very few make good money in the markets.

Make sure that you do. 

Make sure that you learn to sit.

My Buddy called Compounding


…is my happy space.

When I’m having a difficult market day,…

…I open my calculator…

…and start…


My friend clears all doubts in a flash.

It’s easy to compound on the calc.

In German they’d say “Pippifax”.

The younger tribe in the English-speaking world would say easy peasy…

…(lemon squeasy).

Let me run you through it.

Let’s say you wish to calculate an end amount after 25 years of compounding @ 9 % per annum.

Let z be the initial amount (invested).

The calculation is z * 1.09 ^25.

That’s it.

You don’t have to punch in 25 lines. It’s 1 line.

What if you went wrong on the 18th line?

So 1 line, ok? That’s all.

What’s ^ ?

This symbol stands for “to the power of”.

On your calculator, look for the y to power of x key, and then…

…punch in z * 1.09 (now press y to the power of x)[and then punch in 25].

What does such an exercise do for me?

Meaning, why does this exercise ooze endorphins?

Let’s say I’m investing in sound companies, with zero or very little debt, diligent and shareholder-friendly managements, and into a versatile product profile, looking like existing long into the future, basically meaning that I’m sound on fundamentals.

Let’s say that the stock is down owing to some TDH (TomDicK&Harry) reason, since that’s all it’s taking for a stock to plunge since the beginning of 2018.

I have no control over why this stock is falling.

Because of my small entry quantum strategy, I invest more as this fundamentally sound stock falls.

However, nth re-entry demands some reassurance, and that is given en-masse by the accompanying compounding exercise.

At the back of my mind I know that my money is safe, since fundamentals are crystal clear. At the front-end, Mr. Compounding’s reassurance allows me to pull the trigger.

Let’s run through a one-shot compounding exercise.

How much would a million invested be worth in thirty years, @ 11% per annum compounded.

That’s 1 * 1.11^30 = almost 23 million, that’s a 2300% return in 30 years, or 75%+ per annum non-compounded!

Now let’s say that my stock selection is above average. Let’s assume it is good enough to make 15% per annum compounded, over 30 years.

What’s the million worth now?

1 * 1.15^30 = about 66 million, whoahhh, a 6600% return in 30 years, or 220% per annum non-compounded.

Let’s say I’m really good, perhaps not in the RJ or the WB category, but let’s assume I’m in my own category, calling it the UN category. Let’s further assume that my investment strategy is good enough to yield 20% per annum compounded.

Ya. What’s happened to the million?

1 * 1.20^30 = about 237 million…!! 23700% in 30 years, or 790% per annum non-compounded…

…is out of most ballparks!!!

How can something like this be possible?

It’s called “The Power of Compounding”…,

…most famously so by Mr. Warren Buffett himself.

Try it out!

Pickle your surplus into investment with fundamentally sound strategy.

Sit tight.

Lo, and behold.


You Miss, I Hit

We’re in the markets to…

…capture gains. 

How do gains come about?

Buy low sell high?

Sure, you’ve then got some gains. 


Probably not, because everyone of us holds enough losers. That’s part of the game. Amongst many losers, we then find a winner.

How does one maximize gain?

One looks for mispricing. 

Let’s say we’ve id’d a stock. 

It passes our entry criteria.

Now, we look for an entry point that will give us a price advantage. 

We would ideally like the public to misprice the stock on the downside. 

That’s when we would like to pick it up. Higher the misplacing, higher our advantage. 

When is maximum gain captured?

This happens when the same stock is mispriced by the same public on the upside. 

Is such a strategy easy to implement?

Sounds easy, but NO!


(For starters), That’s because it goes against our grain to buy something really low, for fear of it going even lower, since sentiments are so down. 

Can well happen. You buy something really cheap, and before you know it, your something is down by another half. 

What’s your protection?

Rock-solid research. Identification of sound fundamentals. A shareholder-friendly management. Technicals that support you. Mispriced entry point. Product-profile that’s going to be around. Lack of debt. Substantial free cash flow. Etc.

If you’ve got such pillars going for you, it’s only a matter of time till they start to shine forth. 

If mass-depression causes you to wilt, though, it’s on you. 

Mispricing on the upside causes us to blunder too. 

Most sell their big winners which still have sound fundamentals, and can potentially go on to bag much higher multiples. 

Do this, sure, but only if you NEED the money. 

If not, give your potential multibaggers the time to become full-fledged ones. 

Sell early, and you won’t perhaps ever find another entry point. Winners barely ever give an entry-window. 

At market highs, sell your losers, because they’ll perhaps be inflated too, and you might get a good exit. 

When others misprice, make sure you hit some home-runs. 

Listening to Time

Market work…

…has some eccentricities.

One can’t work in the markets all the time.

That’s normal, right?

Well, yes and no. 

At a place of work, one should be able to work. 

Markets don’t always allow work.

So don’t other work places, sure. 

At other times, you don’t feel like doing market work. 


This happens multiple time a year. 

What do we do here?

We create an environment that incorporates this eventuality seamlessly. 

First up, why is this incorporation essential?

Let’s assume that we need to work in the markets all the time. 

When we don’t feel like, and we have to, well, then, we are likely to make mistakes. 

Read mistakes as losses. 

Mistakes in the market translate into losses. 

(Amongst other things), we are in the markets to …

… minimize losses. 

Therefore, when we don’t feel like doing market work …

… we just sheer don’t do it. 

So, back to square one, how do we incorporate this seamlessly?

By making market work our secondary source of income.

Our basic income needs to be sorted through our primary source. 

Now, we can shut off the markets at will without this affecting our basic income. Whether we can also emotionally detach is a discussion for another day. 

There are times when one just doesn’t feel like opening up the terminal. 

Listen to such times. 

Shut out the markets at will…

…only to open them up again when they’re a go for you.

We’re still at step 1, which you’ve just cleared for yourself. 

Now we try and gauge whether times are such that markets allow work.

Listen to such times. 

When you feel like working and markets allow you to work, go all out. Exhaust existing work potential. 

When you feel like working, and markets don’t allow work, do other stuff. Get your research ready. Become poised. 

Sooner than later, your action criteria will be met…

…and you will be able to act. 

Trigger-Happiness triggering your happiness?


All the time?

Do you crave it?

And, are you in the markets?

Boy, do you have your work cut out for you, or do you have your work cut out for you?

Ideally, your long-term investment should not give you action.

When it does, it should push you to act.

What backfires is when you act to push it.

Unless you’re convinced by a stock, you don’t buy it.

Unless there’s margin of safety, you don’t buy it.

Unless there’s more margin of safety, you don’t re-buy it.

Unless you’re fed up with the stock or the antics of its management, you don’t sell it.

The whole long-term game is biased towards inaction.

Those who master the art of inaction are good long-term investors.

Bridging gaps is paramount.

What do you do with the vast amounts of time at your disposal?

Do twenty other things.

Create value in many walks of life.

Let the areas not overlap with any of the markets you are tapping.

Capture the attention of your mind.

What happens if you don’t?

Boredom, inaction or the need for action will propel you towards making a mistake.

Mistakes in the market cost money.

That’s how they’re defined.

Do yourself a huge favour.

Approach the markets after having embraced inaction.