
Replicability of an approach is a pipeline. You can always draw on it for a fresh trade, for example.

Scalability is a pipeline getting broader.

Research sharpens the edges of your pipeline, sustains these well, and founds new paths (pipelines), going forward.

Deep Thought is where one taps the pipelines of the Universe.

Experience builds reflexes, which guard and enhance pipelines. This is intuition in action.

Ability to discern allows judgement to manipulate a pipeline in the correct direction.

Cataloguing provides hindsight, so that the pipeline of foresight is strengthened.

Giving opens up vast positive pipelines for oneself, by creating energy vacuum in one’s immediate environment.

Relaxation allows the pipeline of genius to emerge. Brilliant sparks which have been developing silently, within oneself, burst forward.

Family is a pipeline of joy.

Freedom allows the pipeline of creativity to flow.

Also, detachment allows time for the pipeline of flow to form properly. This is particularly valid in trading. Think of profits being allowed to run, for starters.

If I rack my brains, I’ll come up with more…


That’s not the point.

The point is to delineate that one’s per saldo self is a net resultant of many pipelines acting in tandem.

These have taken time, effort, fortune, patience, blood, sweat, tears and what have you to create.

I measure my life’s success in seamlessly implemented pipelines on autopilot.

For every long-term, seamless, auto-pipeline functioning optimally and on full, there have probably been fifty discarded efforts.

Whether one is trading, investing or sheerly living a fulfilling life, …

… it’s one ‘s pipelines that provide critical support.

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