There’s Something There

When does one write about something?


Yes. That’s the catalyst. 

Something needs to cause words to overflow. 

One looks around for that something. 

Or, often, that something finds one. 

There’s a reaction. Churning. Out come words. 

The speed of all this happening is the speed of thought. It’s a speed that goes way beyond our wildest imagination. Let’s put it like this – its much, much faster than the speed of light. 

So, there’s an energy explosion inside one’s mind, caused by a catalyst. Out come words. 

In today’s fast track life, one looks around for stimulus. 

Ideally (yeah, only ideally), I wish to be writing one piece a day.

Why? One might ask. 

It’s a personal goal. 

Keeps me moving. 

Writing causes systematic learning. 

Stuff gets turned into DNA. 

Disorder inside oneself gets lessened. 

One gets richer, inside.

Others are benefited, or so I like to think. 

One moves energies with words. One moves worlds, with words. 

One becomes a part of the whole, with words. 

So, I write. 

Apart form all this, writing gives me a kick. I feel free. I feel a sense of achievement. And, remember this one, not everything in the world needs to be monetized. Some things are better left non-monetized. It takes tremendous courage and a sense of strong self-belief to pursue something that’s not monetized. One gets mocked. One doesn’t get taken seriously. However, my words are bigger than that. My words make me whole. 

Stimulus, stimulus where are you?

Sometimes, one looks too hard. That’s when one stops looking, and stimulus finds oneself. 

There’s a feeling of “there’s something there”. 

One stops…


…energy bomb explosion…

…out come words.