You knew that Other Big Thing about Wealth, right? 

Yeah that one… 

… the one that contains the phrase “the more you give, the more you get”… 


Of course you did. 

Who’d have thought otherwise?


…knowing is one thing… 

… and doing is the real deal. 

Knowing doesn’t necessarily make you do. 

Full-on realization does. 

How’s that going to happen? 

By understanding the principle of flow. 


Why flow? 

What’s flow got to do with it? 

One would perhaps study flow… 

… in physics… 


That’s exactly it. 

Wealth behaves as per the laws of natural science. 

It flows from high-potential to low-potential. 

When you give, energy flows away from you. 

Vacuum is created. 

New energy flows to this vacuum. 

Vacuum attracts flow. 

It’s a law of nature. 

New wealth flows towards the giver. 

Vacuums have compounded attraction-force. 

Thus compounded new wealth flows towards the giver. 

Need I say anything more? 

I’ll say it nevertheless. 

Whatever you can, whenever you can, wherever you can… 

… GIVE! 

Apart from turning even wealthier… 

… you’ll feel this other thing. 

It’s called content. 

It’s bigger than wealth. 

Lots of wealthy people die wealthy, but few die content.