Incorporating the Satisfaction Factor 

How do you wish to leave your portfolio? 

Leave as in… 

… you leave. 

Let’s paraphrase this. 

In what condition do you envision your folio to be at your time of ultimate departure? 

Why is this question necessary? 

Why are we putting together our folios? 

What do we want out of the whole shebang? 

Are we playing the game just because everyone else is doing so, without thinking any further? 




We want satisfaction. 

Everyone searches for happiness. 

We want to have led full lives. 

We want to leave with smoothly outlined pipelines which won’t be blocked by any surviving party’s antics. 

Auto-pipelines are a reality now. It takes a standing instruction, that’s it. 

We want to have done some CSR work, as in charity. 

We want to leave a legacy. 

We don’t wish to make our surviving family slaves to an inheritance. We want them to be self-sufficient with trouble-shooting acumen. However, funds need to be accessible at times of emergency. 

And blah blah blah blah blah…, list can be endless. However, you get the gist. 

All this requires planning… 

… NOW.

Take out the time to do some basics. 

Nobody’s asking you to do a doctorate on this. 

Just do the basic nitty-gritty. 

The whole with some basics leads to successful and satisfactory implementation. Leave out the nitty-gritty, and you could be left without the success and satisfaction part too. 

Do it properly, come on. 
