Blockbuster Wealth Stories in Equity still do the rounds

The latest one doing the rounds…

…is the Bezos parents’ story. 

Their investment in their son’s company twenty three years ago has returned a whopping twelve million percent, making them become worth billions.


You can have such a story too. 

Here’s how. 

Identify pockets of value. 

Invest in these pockets of value. 

Money going in is something you don’t need to touch for a long, long time.

Build up a sizable investment in each pocket, bit by bit, as long as it remains value. 

When value becomes growth, let it be.

Occupy your mind elsewhere, looking for more value. Don’t bother looking at what’s started to grow. 

If you’ve picked well, out of your many pockets of value, some will become good growth stories over the years. 

A few of these runners will turn into multibaggers. 

And then, there might one odd investment, that returns a staggering amount, just like the above mentioned example. 

It’s not over. 

You let this one run. 

Don’t finance your prodigal son’s wedding from this one. Do it by selling your losers, if you have to. 

Why let it run?

What’s returned a hundred thousand percent today might well return a million percent or more over time, if we let it…
